Components for heating and air conditioning technology

Components for heating and air conditioning technology

Heating and Air Conditioning

Reliable Components for Heating, Air Conditioning, and Ventilation Systems

EBE sensors + motion is a competent partner for the area of heating and air conditioning. Our products are robust and long-lived components for this industrial sector and used in a great variety of applications.

Level Measurement with Air Conditioning and Heating Systems

At first glance, level measurement does not seem relevant for the area of air conditioning and refrigeration. In siphons and containers for cooling liquids, however, level measurement is urgently required for the smooth operation of the system. In this case, limited space and difficult access to the components are the major challenges. Level sensors from EBE sensors + motion measure contactlessly, are individually adaptable to the space available and work reliably at any time in spite of possible coatings and adhesions on the container walls.

State-of-the-Art Technology for Operating Panels

Whether sensor-based solutions or conventional switches, buttons and rotary encoders. The product range of EBE sensors + motion includes state-of-the-art solutions for operating panels of heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Sensor-mechanical rotary encoders provide the mechanical feel of a rotary encoder beneath a completely closed user interface. Humidity, dust or other problematic environmental factors can be neglected in this case.

Flap Control by Means of Electromagnetics

Electromagnetics from EBE is applied for the exact control of exhaust flaps. The wide product portfolio offers a variety of shapes and types so that our solenoids offer a solution for almost every application.

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