Vending Machines



Long-Lived and Reliable Components for Vending Machines

A simple click-clack should do to shove the desired object into the output tray of a vending machine. In the worst case, however, nothing happens. The products from EBE sensors + motion help to prevent that. Vending machines mostly have the usual problems. The control panel is defective or dirty, the solenoid is on strike or the actuator technology does not work properly.

Functioning Control Panels in Spite of Difficult Ambient Conditions

For this purpose, EBE sensors + motion offers capacitive buttons that can be operated reliably at any time in spite of contamination. For example, classic rotary encoders, switches and buttons can be realized water-proof or with background lighting. With our developments, long service life always comes first.

Wide Solenoid Portfolio and Sound Actuation Expertise

Our solenoids can be designed for lifecycles with up to millions of actuations, and the individually developed actuation systems for product lifts and rotary drums are designed to ensure smooth operation in the future. Actuation systems developed by EBE have also proven themselves with output trays of cash or vending machines.

EBE has three locations in Southern Germany.
